Sunday, April 5, 2009

Property Business Licenses

Property Business Licenses:

All vacation property owners are required to have a business license to rent out their property on a weekly or monthly basis. Depending on where your property is located determines the amount of the fees and when they are due. All fees are based upon the previous year’s gross rental income or if you have not rented for a full year, the amount is based upon an estimate of your gross rentals for the upcoming full year.

As a service to you, Southern Coast Vacations will file the application and pay the fees upfront for you and bill your statement accordingly.

The City of North Myrtle Beach is now in the process of mailing all owners the applications or fees at this time. The license must be renewed prior to April 30th to avoid any late fees.

The City of Myrtle Beach mails out their renewals in May and the fees are due by June 30th.

If you have already taken care of your business license fees or wish to pay them directly, please contact our accounting office at 843-663-6063 or email me at so that we will take you off our list. If we do not hear from you we will go ahead and file the paperwork and bill accordingly.

Peggy Rotterman
Property Manager